BEGINNER +Ashtanga Yoga (Class 1)

This is a modified Ashtanga Yoga practice for beginners.

Simple warms up with Childs pose, cat/cow before moving into this beginners + practice.

During this practice we will move through:

  • Surya Namaskar a (sun salutation a) x 3 rounds

  • Padangusthasana to Padahastasana (standing forward fold)

  • Trikonasana a (triangle pose)

  • Parsvakonasana a (extended side angle)

  • Prasaritapadottanasana a, c & d (wide leg forward fold)

  • Setubandhasana (supported bridge)

  • Pascimattanasana (seated forward fold)

Final 3 closing postures (modified)

  • Yoga Mudra

  • Padmasana

  • Utpluthih


BEGINNER + Ashtanga Yoga (Class 2)