
Yin Yoga Full Body Somatic Practice

Welcome to this Deep Somatic Yin Yoga practice, a slow and mindful short 25 minute practice designed to help you release tension, connect with your body, and reset your nervous system. This full-body yin yoga class guides you through long-held postures, allowing you to cultivate somatic awareness and deep relaxation. Through stillness and gentle movement, you will have the opportunity to notice, feel, and process areas of held tension, creating space for ease, release and deep relaxation.

This practice begins with a short grounding meditation to settle your breath and bring awareness to your body. From there, you will move into Deer Pose, a hip-opening posture that encourages softness and surrender. Half Saddle follows, a deep stretch for the quadriceps and front body, allowing for spinal extension and release. In Caterpillar Pose, you will fold forward, lengthening the spine and inviting a sense of inward reflection. Butterfly Pose gently opens the hips and encourages ease, while Sphinx and Seal Pose provide space for the chest and spine to expand. The practice continues with Half Frog Pose, which stretches the inner thighs and encourages grounding, before concluding in Child’s Pose, a deeply restorative posture that invites full-body relaxation.

Somatic yin yoga blends traditional yin postures with somatic awareness, emphasising presence over perfect form. Instead of striving to achieve a perfect shape, you are invited to listen to your body, observe subtle sensations, and let go of unnecessary effort. With each asana, you will notice shifts in sensation, breath, and emotion, allowing your nervous system to regulate and settle into a state of deep rest. This session is perfect for anyone seeking relaxation, stress relief, and nervous system regulation. Whether you are dealing with tightness in the hips, spine, or lower back, or simply want to slow down and reconnect with yourself, my hope is that this practice will support you. It is especially beneficial in the evening, before bed, or anytime you need to unwind from the demands of daily life.

To get the most out of this class, allow your breath to flow naturally, use props like pillows or bolsters for comfort, and release expectations. Somatic yin yoga is a practice of being, not doing—an opportunity to soften, surrender, and experience the present moment fully. If you find this practice helpful, please consider liking, commenting, and subscribing for more yin yoga and somatic-based classes that support deep rest, emotional balance, and nervous system healing.

Thank you for being here, and I hope this practice brings you a sense of ease and presence.

Big love, Gem x

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For more information on Yin Teacher Training online please visit www.gemmaryan.co.uk


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