
Yoga Nidra for Vibrant Health and Wellbeing

Welcome to this transformative one-hour Yoga Nidra guided meditation. This session is designed to work through your entire body and mind, promoting health, healing, and a positive mindset.

I will take you on a journey of relaxation and visualisation in this soothing meditation. You will immerse yourself in a warm lake of tranquillity, experiencing the power of release as I guide you towards clarity. Discover how the mind plays a crucial role in creating a healthy life, empowering yourself to make the right choices for nourishing your body and soul.

🧘‍♂️ Yoga Nidra Benefits:

Deep physical and mental relaxation

Improved sleep and reduced stress

Enhanced focus and creativity

Heightened self-awareness and mindfulness

Increased energy and vitality


Deeply Relaxing Summer Solstice Yoga Nidra Practise